Seven Springs Farms was established in 1994 with just a mechanic and his toolbox. Joe Nichols started his own equipment repair business after working for Robinson Implement, a local John Deere dealership located in Princeton, KY. SSF has quickly grown into the operation it is today, consisting of row crops, cattle, tobacco, and excavating. Our most recent expansion has been into straw blanket production. We use straw we produce on the farm to produce blankets that prevent erosion. Currently, SSF operates across multiple counties in Western Kentucky and is a large employer in the region.

- Rye 2022Last year we grew a small amount of rye straw to be used in our straw blankets. It is taller and produces more per acre than wheat straw, making it perfect for erosion control blankets! Rye harvest is on the horizon. Here at SSF we have two fields we are cutting for seed to use…
- Straw Blanket Production at SSFIn January of 2021 SSF began producing straw blankets. These blankets are produced from straw grown on the farm. They are used to prevent erosion in various situations. Many are used in construction projects, such as a new home. For more information visit the link below. https://sevenspringsfarms.com/straw-mats/
- Straw 2020We are baling a lot of straw this year and using new stripper heads. They only take the tops off the wheat and leave the stems tall for baling. Click here for some video footage of baling and stripping!
- 2020 is Here!It’s 2020 y’all! We are starting off the new year with mild temps and a few thunderstorms. The shop is in full swing repair mode. We have guys working on trucks, semis, tractors, and equipment; prepping them for the coming months. Over on the cattle side things are chugging along. Mild winters are the best…
- PBS Joe Nichols Interview
Seven Springs Farms – Office 270-522-3424
Fax 270-522-7868
Seven Springs Fertilizer – 270-522-3777